Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before fetal viability, which is conventionally taken to be less than 28 weeks from last normal menstrual period. If the last normal menstrual period is not known a birth weight of less than 1000gm is considered as an abortion. The abortion may occur either spontaneously or induced.
Women-centered abortion care is a comprehensive approach to providing abortion service that takes in to account the various factors that influence a woman’s individual mental and physical health needs as well as her ability to access services and her personal circumstances and her ability to access services.
Comprehensive abortion care comprises both safe abortion service and post-abortion care.
Safe Abortion care is a comprehensive termination of pregnancy that is offered to clients as permitted by the law (Proclamation No. 414/2004, Section II).
Post-abortion care is a comprehensive service to treat women that present to a health care facility after abortion has occurred spontaneously or after attempted termination.
At our department, post-abortion care has five essential elements. These are:
- Community-service provider partnership
- Counseling where women are provided with accurate and complete information on reproductive health (RH) issues including family planning, voluntary counseling and testing, gender-based violence and other concerns and queries.
- Emergency treatment of incomplete abortions and its complications
- Family Planning services based on free and informed choice as well as method mix.
- Linkage of the above services with other RH services including sexually transmitted disease diagnosis and treatment, information on breast feeding, child nutrition and immunization, screening of reproductive tract cancers, etc.
All components of comprehensive abortion care are provided in our hospital including
- Medical abortion using modern medical methods of abortion
- 1st trimester surgical abortion (Manual vacuum aspiration)
- 2nd trimester surgical abortion (Dilatation & evacuation)
- All components of post-abortion care
Currently, all CAC services are provided 24 hours a day for seven days a week. MICHU clinic, which is committed to CAC, family planning, and other RH services, is open every day for 24 hours. This service is provided free of charge and no payment will be requested. You do not need to have a referral to get the service.