We aim to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity through coordinated sexual reproductive health and rights clinical service, training, research and advocacy. and enable girls and women to reach their full potential. We intend to achieve this through the fulfillment of objective which includes supporting St. Paul hospital to be a strong advocate for reproductive health and rights and to provide women centered sexual and reproductive health care services, strengthening the RH fellowship program, pre and in-service training, strengthening the institutional capacity of St. Paul to conduct high quality and impactful SRH researches and building ICT capacity in advancing SRH service, advocacy, research and training .
We aim to build local, regional and international collaboration for high quality and impactful research, skill and knowledge transfer and service delivery. We also join hands with international partners to advocate for SRHR.
Our Focus
- Give due emphasis to advocacy – starting from St Paul’s community, relevant stakeholders and reaching to media. Technology use for wide dissemination of resource materials is part of the current proposal.
- Building a facility to provide comprehensive reproductive health services under one roof avoiding the need for intra-facility referral.
- Provide outreach services using faculty, fellows and residents
- Mentor and give technical assistance for affiliate facilities
- Implement electronic medical recording
- Start residents as educators training program for OBGYN. This will be the first of its kind for the country not just for OBGYN but the whole spectrum of disciplines. It will definitely contribute to our aspiration of producing graduates with skill on teaching at different scenarios.
- St. Paul plans to go beyond its compound in the current project period – reach out to vulnerable groups like internally displaced people, homeless and those living in correction and rehabilitation centers to provide SRH care and train health professionals working in those places on SRH issues.