While acknowledging the gains, Ethiopian women still suffer from complications of unsafe abortion, the Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) is still one of the lowest (41%), and the total fertility Rate (TFR) is one of the highest in the world (4.4). Lack of training opportunities for providers; conscientious objection to care provision on the part of some providers; and the social, cultural, and political stigma around abortion all make it difficult to ensure access to safe abortion care. SPHMMC has the responsibility to develop and provide high quality healthcare as well as ensure access to safe abortion, family planning and other RH services. The project aspires to facilitate effective and quality sexual and reproductive health and rights programs through enhancing the capacity of service providers to be competent and compassionate professionals, provide comprehensive RH services at SPHMMC, integration of FP/CAC services to other healthcare services to create enabling environment to reach as many clients as possible, and linking SRH education programs in schools and communities and youth-friendly services with information, communication, technology (ICT) – based programs.