Bucket-handle uterine rupture during second-trimester medication abortion, a rare form of rupture of the lower uterine segment and vaginal fornix: a case report

by | Oct 29, 2020 | Published Research | 0 comments

Ferid A. Abubeker, MD a,⁎, Abraham Fessehaye, MD a, Mekdes Daba Feyssa, MD,MPH a, Sarah Prager, MD,MAS a,b

a Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
b University of Washington, School for Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA


A bucket-handle uterine rupture, a rare form of uterine rupture involving the posterior lower uterine segment and posterior vaginal fornix, occurred in a primigravid woman at 23 weeks of gestation during successful medication abortion.

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