In light of the 15th Safe Motherhood month in Ethiopia, St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC) in collaboration with St. Paul Institute for Reproductive Health and Rights (SPIRHR) convened and hosted half day events to discuss on maternal health and care with journalists. Dr. Tadesse Urgie, Department head of OB/GYN at SPHMMC briefly presented the current status of maternal mortality in Ethiopian describing the number of women dying during pregnancy and delivery. The four pillars that are considered safe motherhood- Family Planning, antenatal care, essential obstetrics care and clean/safe delivery were also explained by Dr. Mekdes Daba, Assistant professor at SPHMMC. Nineteen professionals representing Ethiopian Broadcasting Cooperation (EBC), Fana Broadcasting cooperation (FBC), Addis Media Network (AMN), Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), Walta, Sheger 102.1FM, Ethio FM 107.8, FM96.3, FM 96.3, Ahadu Radio, and Sebez Media attended the event. Stakeholder’s responsibilities and contribution were discussed to ensure all women receive the care they need to be safe and healthy through their pregnancy and childbirth.