Submit your abstract at the 6th Annual Reproductive Health Conference 2024

by | Jun 2, 2024 | Announcement | 0 comments

Picture from the 5th Annual Reproductive Health Conference (2023)

Join us for SPIRHR’s 2024 Annual Reproductive Health Conference, hosted in collaboration with St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC). We invite researchers and program implementers to submit their abstracts and share groundbreaking findings and best practices that can enhance sexual and reproductive health and rights services and policy-making in Ethiopia and beyond. This conference offers a unique platform to showcase your work and contribute to meaningful advancements in the field. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this event.

Important dates

Abstract submission:

  • Opens: 24 May 2024
  • Closes: 15 August 2024

Notification of acceptance: 

  • 30 August 2024

Date of conference

  • November 14 & 15, 2024

General rules of submission

  • Research should comply with ethical standards and institutional review board (IRB) approvals where applicable
  • It is desirable to submit abstracts that are not published in a journal or published as part of the proceeding of another conference
  • All abstracts must be submitted via the online submission system 
  • Abstracts must typically be submitted in English 

Abstract submission guide

  • Stay within the word limit (max of 350 words).
  • Use clear and straightforward language.
  • Write for a broad audience and jargon should be avoided
  • Use active voice to make your writing more direct and dynamic.
  • Choose a clear, concise, and descriptive title. It should not have more than 15 words
  • List all authors and corresponding institutional affiliations and email addresses  
  • The abstracts should be structured as follows:

Background: Provide background information and state the research problem or question including the aim of the study. 
Methods: Briefly describe the method or approach used in your research which includes the description of study design, data source/population, data analysis plan, etc.
Results: Summarize the key finding (s) of the study. Detail figures should be avoided.
Conclusion: Brief conclusion and implications of the findings and/or value of the current study. 
Keywords: Include a few keywords that represent the main topics of your research.

    How to submit

    • Submit your abstracts at
    • After clicking on the link for the submission website, you will be directed to create an account. Follow the instructions provided on the website.
    • Enter the title, author information, structured abstract text, keywords, and other required fields.
    • The abstract file can also be optionally uploaded on the submission portal

    Review and notification

    • Abstracts are subject to a peer-review process where the scientific committee evaluates the submissions for their scientific merit and relevance
    • Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their abstracts via email by a specified date.

    Presentation requirements

    • If the abstract is accepted, at least one author must register and attend the conference to present the research in person.
    • Be prepared to present in the format specified by the conference (e.g., oral presentation, poster session). The formats will be communicated along with the announcement of the accepted abstracts for either poster presentations or poster sessions.

    Contact us for further information